What conclusions can I draw from collections of anthropometric data?

The table format presents anthropometric data in a clear and usable way, with statements of the body dimension, age, and the resulting percentiles. The use of tables is facilitated where supplementary information is provided, for example on the origin of the data, measurement methods, information on application, etc.

The anthropometric dimensions listed in such tables are suitable for use in practice provided the particular aspects stated under How are body dimensions measured? are considered.

The following examples from the Handbuch der Ergonomie, the Anthropologischer Atlas and the Internationaler anthropologischer Datenatlas demonstrate a number of ways of classifying human body dimensions in tables.

Handbuch der Ergonomie

Anthropologischer Atlas

Internationaler anthropologischer Datenatlas

The example tables shown contain the 5th, 50th and 95th percentile values to be applied during ergonomic design, and include the age, sex-specific values, and further information.

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